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Springtime is severe weather season in Nebraska. Your students can learn safety and preparedness by entering our annual Severe Weather Poster Contest. The contest, sponsored by Nebraska Association of Emergency Management, the National Weather Service and the Nebraska Emergency Management Agency, is part of the annual Severe Weather Awareness Week effort produced by Emergency Management Directors/Coordinators across Nebraska.
The poster contest is open to all third-grade students in Nebraska public and private schools as well as home-schooled third-grade students. Teachers are encouraged to have students participate while teaching them about hazards of severe weather in Nebraska. While not specifically designed to promote tornado awareness, tornadoes are the most common theme chosen for posters. Lightning and flooding, which are also products of severe thunderstorms, are also good topic choices.
Winners will receive gift cards. The Nebraska Association of Emergency Management provides the “First”, “Second” and “Third” place gift card awards. The “Fourth” place poster winner will receive a gift card sponsored by the National Weather Service. All four winners will also receive a NOAA “All-Hazards Weather Alert Radio” from the Saline County Emergency Management Agency and be honored at the State Capital by the current Nebraska Governor.
Current Poster Contest form and rules.
Contest rules and other information can also be obtained at the Nebraska Association of Emergency Management Web site at www.naem.us. Poster Judging will be at the end of February each year by the Nebraska Association of Emergency Management and representatives from the National Weather Service and the Nebraska Emergency Management Agency.
FEMA's Ready for Kids provides fun online games and activities that build knowledge in a wide range of disaster preparedness topics. Play Disaster Master to learn great tips for personal preparedness and then go on a mission to Build a Kit with Gayle and her friends.
Cell Phone Sally is helping people become more cell-phone savvy. Sponsored by the Texas Commission on State Emergency Communications, the character is part of an education campaign to inform people of the limitations of cellular phones when making a 9-1-1 call.